September 28, 2010

Stefan Molyneux

& Wikipedia & playlist

10/17'08 Theories of war and violence – The Joker and Raskolnikov
02/09'10 "The Catcher in the Rye" – A review. And more.

07/30'09 A philosopher as parent pt 1
07/24'10 Why you are unemployed pt 1 & pt 2 & pt 3 & pt 4

09/28'09 Freedomain Radio interview with Brett Veinotte
11/04'09 The Liberty Roundtable #1) Education and the State

08/22'07 The stateless society – an examination of alternatives
08/28'07 Free will pt 1 of 2 & 09/04'07 Does the government really exist?
09/18'07 Stef does a podcast on drugs
10/01'07 Myths of world wars & 10/24'07 "The God of Atheists" – A Review
10/26'07 Socrates, moral hit man & 10/29'07 How to control a human soul
10/30'07 Philosophy and weight

Ron Paul series)
11/23'07 pt 1) The shape of things to come & 11/27'07 pt 2) Answers to criticisms
11/30'07 pt 3) Politics versus personal liberty & 12/12'07 pt 4) Infiltrating the Mafia
01/06'08 The Anarchist Roundtable #1) Ron Paul & An open letter to Ron Paul supporters

12/30'07 The next thing & 01/25'08 Putting off Procrastination ... from Freedomain Radio
02/14'08 Hot Asian Girls Discuss Anarchy!
02/16'08 How the government turns everyone into a tool
02/18'08 The philosophy of career success
03/01'08 Early American gangs and the myth of statehood
03/03'08 The government is not an answer & 03/05'08 Freeing yourself from politics
03/12'08 God is really the fear of others [God is just another word für Tod ("death" in german)]

Empfehlungen von tetrahydroscope: FDR Liberated & Stefan Molyneux Revealed

youtube channel comments

08/18'10 stefbot

What does the term "truth" symbolize in your eyes, Mr. Molyneux, Stefan, let's say from an "intersubjective" or "piety theoretical" viewpoint? Wouldn't you agree that it is more kind of a priest's specific vocabulary than anything else? I'm a big fan, so don't get me wrong, please, but: Do you really believe that preaching and the cybertronic whisperweb will make a good match for the future? Or that they are an appropriate bundle at all?
I mean, civilization is run by priests since the beginning. Don't you think, it's time for something completely new, now in times of transcontinental instant communication? And that for everybody!

"Information is a deeper and more primary concept than space, time, matter, energy, charge, spin, angular momentum. The world is made of language.
The implication, for the digerati, is that reality can, therefore, be hacked. If reality is made of language, then what we're saying is that it's code. And if it's code, then it is far more deeply open to manipulation than we ever dared dream of. And we've been messing around on the desktop, opening files with religions, and political systems [...] we have not adressed the deeper level."

For instance: Is it "work" for you what you are doing, Stef, that Tetrahydroscope wants to thank you for?

Well, we know the bloody-minded "9/11" terror spectacle, Tenet's pulverization of the legendary Twin Towers, the most famous market place on earth, highlighted the actual existing social circumstances in an unique way, totally unique, but what about that: I'm tending to look at this monstrous, ruthless act of inculturation and starting point for the ongoing surveillance propaganda as well for the strategic splitting of the mainstream now as some sort of indicator for the cerebral environmental pollution of the last 6-7000, maybe 10,000 years ... Nuff said.

Okay, one last thing: Don't let you be fooled by the theatrical and tactical separation of "church" and "state".
The Jesuit college education system makes sure that the state becomes the church for the "citizen". Not only in her or his eyes but deep in the heart. And that completely inconspicuously.
Till something "extraterrestrial" happens ... like the disappearance of skyscrapers in seconds (without blasting, just through the use of box-cutter knives).

09/26'10 MysticPolitics

Militarily organized intelligence – that's where ultimate power had always lied in and lies in till this day.
Like William Cooper has coined it: "They became a mystery to the others and the priesthood was born.
No king ever existed without the permission of the priesthood. The kings never had the power and do not to this day. Kings exist at the whim of the real power which is the priesthood standing behind the thrown."
And as Jordan Maxwell did: "There are at least three different places in the Bible where Jesus is referred to as the Chief Corner Stone that the builders rejected.
For instance, in the Ephisians 2:20 'Jesus Christ himself being the Chief Corner Stone.'"
Thanks for entertaining the idea that with global digital data highways their mental and organizing superiority could be canceled out step by step one day.

youtube channels

AntiConformist911 & MrDuffy81 & Chris & EricIndiana & Tarheel Timmy Haze, American patriot
CMN & PrometheanReach & xlivescom & Kennedy: "A tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations."

GnosticMedia & matheis & Richard Grove's 8th Estate Media and Research
playlists of Andrew Rutajit: "One of those things that goes deep with people like religion and money."
KevZen2000 & thefifthseal & Rad el Baluvar's ShroomCity & Sean Blackwell & Red Ice Creations

McKennaArchive & BillHicksArchive & BuckyFullerArchive
mushroomjesus & theduderinok & Steve Willner's Soundlessdawn: The Labyrinth of the Psychonaut
Dedroidify's old and new one & The "Marriage is gay" Amazon & CNA & The Cato Institute

Freemantv & Everett Tucker's Mystic Politics & Doreen Dotan: Zionism is not Jewish
JesusSavesAtCitibank & anunnaki2006 & 91177info & BereanBeacon & HistoricalEvents
RedBeetle Monty Collier & Infidel Guy's freethoughts & Mark Molaro's Alcove

BFTCaL & mef – ChallengingMedia & FFreeThinker & amazonretreat
Pat Condell & Natalie's communitychannel & Stefan Molyneux
Styxhexenhammer's Malleus Maleficarum Productions & EVERYTHING IS OK – the love police

censored: Anonymous T & tlthe5th & durian08 & Monitor X & hanshermannhesse2

youtube weberspace playlists

T.McKe audio & T.McKe video & RaumZeitMind.dim

Christian basics & Astrotheology, Psychochristology & Walter Veith & Greg Szymanski's Investigative Journal

Ericjon P on Presidential AssassinationsVatican AssassinsEric Jon Phelps

The basic picture: The Roman Empire Rules Today with its Men in Black, the Jesuit global army

Jim Hunt 2009: They Said What? Astonishing Quotes on American Democracy, Power, and Dissent

"America would never act unjustly or wrongly. Hence, whatever position America takes is right and whoever opposes American expansion is morally derelict." President Theodore Roosevelt, 1902
"The whole hemisphere will be ours in fact, as, by virtue of our superiority of race, it already is ours morally." President William H. Taft, 1912
"Since trade ignores national boundaries and the manufacturer plans on having the world as a market, the flag of this nation must follow, and the doors of the nations which are closed against him must be battered down. Concessions obtained by financiers must be safeguarded by ministers of state, even if the sovereignty of unwilling nations be outraged in the process. Colonies must be obtained or planted, in order that no useful corner of the world may be overlooked of left unused." President Woodrow Wilson, 1915
"The United States should do everything in its power to alter or abolish any regime not openly allied with America." Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, June 1953
"We are on the verge of global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the new world order." David Rockefeller in a statement to the U.N. Business Council, 1994
"The hidden hand of the market will never work without a hidden fist – McDonald's cannot flourish without McDonnell Douglas, the designer of the F-15." Thomas L. Friedman, "A Manifesto for the Fast World", March 1999
"Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show we mean business." Michael Ledeen, Freedom Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, January 1992, as paraphrased by Jonah Goldberg in National Review Online, April 23, 2002

Buckley and Chomsky on Firing Line in 1969, kinetic typography & new favorites – summer '10 & autumn '10

Bring on the learning revolution!

Looking for the Arbiter

The Jesuit shepherd-sheep ecollege education system & Stefan Molyneux & Jon Stewart Interviews
Matheis & Michael Tsarion Interviews & 1st ARC Convention Feb.'10, panel discussion
Jim Arrabito's cellar door into Jesuit infiltration & "9/11" – Nuked to Ground Zero
Donna Marsh O'Connor & 9/11 Press For Truth

Liebe ist – Love is & Ray Wilson, Stiltskin – calling all stations
Aaron Russo Interviews & Peter Joseph Interviews & Bill Moyers, The Secret Government, 1987
Bill Cooper, & Jordan Maxwell & Nazis & Sozis & Cathy O'Brien
Infowarriors Crazy Jones and Jesus Rothschild

Piety Profiler (exploring devotional politics)

Choosing Freedom & This is the beginning & piety check & The Anunnaki/Reptilians Memeplex
Barrie Zwicker & Christopher Hitchens & Lou Corona & James Randi

Fastest Nimble Sheep

Yu-Na Kim & Biology of Perception (Lipton) and Psychology of Change (Williams) & The Borg Agenda
Heinrich Himmler SS (SJ) & Deutsche TV-Priester & Full Metal Jacket & Four Eyed Monsters

Assfootology – Pedispodexologie

George Carlin & Bill Hicks & Stewart Lee & Pat Condell & Cristina Rad & Natalie's CC '06, 007
That '70s Show Season 1-4 & Season 5 & Season 6-8 & Stupidity as favored spirituality

Assfootologist – Pedispodexologe

Neil Kramer – Guerrilla Psychonautics & Spirituality without Religion & Food, Inc. & Democracy, Inc.
Norbert Denef & There are no journalists – es gibt keine Journalisten.

inside a volcano

"As I turned the corner on the third floor landing the stairwell erupted into a hurricane.
This huge incredible force of wind and debris actually came up the stairs, knocked my helmet off, knocked me to the ground.
It was pitch black, large amounts of dust in the stairwell. So as I was crawling around to start down the next set of stairs the landings collapsed underneath me so I dropped pretty much a full floor."

A militarily ruled democracy & How to abolish the Federal Reserve
Ex IRS agent tells it like it is pt 1 & pt 2: "The Federal Reserve is not federal."

"Stephen did an amazing job interviewing this guy, far better than anything I've seen on those 'real' news programs. This, right here, is why we need Jon and Stephen. They have the balls to tell it how it is because they're 'not real news anchors' so there's no fear of retribution. America is a better place because of their de facto policing of morons like this. Never stop, Stephen!" (Robyn Witt)

03/17'09 "Jon Stewart is doing what the 'real' news media should be doing: he is investigating and attempting to hold people accountable for what they say and do. Whereas, the 'real' news media is pussyfooting around and 'reporting' whatever they are being spoon-fed from others.
What I have a problem with is that Jon Stewart has to be the one to investigate people like Cramer. Where is the New York Times? Where is the hard-hitting investigative journalism?
Jon Stewart does not need to adjust how his message is conveyed. He is exemplifying the art of satire." (Sarah)

"It's too bad Timothy McVeigh didn't go to the New York Times building." Anne Coulter, April 2003

Jesuit Televison & Fox Politics & real news & fake news & corporate mainstream & conspiracy mainstream

February 18, 2003, O'Reilly: "What Jimmy Carter should do is privately give Mr. Bush his opinion and shut up publicly. That would be best for the country."
O'Reilly on February 26th: "Once the war against Saddam begins, we expect every American to support our military. And if you can't do that – to shut up."
Bill on March 3rd: "It is our duty as loyal Americans to shut up once the fighting begins."

Videos on Google

LSD – Die Entdeckung einer Wunderdroge & Blue Man Group Live

Secrets of the Occult pt 1) The Magicians & pt 2) The Scientists
Esoteric Agenda & Peter Joseph's Zeitgeist & Zeitgeist Addendum
Das schmutzige Geschäft mit den Nazis – 3. Reich und die US-Industrie
Anthony Hilder's Skull and Bones – The Catholic Connection & The Corporation pt 1 & pt 2 & Stupidity
"9/11": Press For Truth & Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut
Who killed John O'Neill? & Faibled Enemies & Iraq For Sale
The Great Global Warming Swindle & 9/11 Mysteries & Aaron Russo: America from freedom to fascism
The Manhattan Project & Fool Me Twice & Ludicrous Diversion – 77 – The London Bombings
Waco: The Rules of Engagement pt 1 & pt 2 & A New Revelation pt 1 & pt 2

04/28'01 Walter Burien, Arizona Breakfast Club,
David J. Smith: America's demise is planned
Meria Heller in Arizona @ the 2007 9/11 Accountability Conference
Richard Bennett: Vatican control through Civil Law & The History of the Papacy
The mindset of Catholicism permeating Evangelicalism & Jim Arrabito: The History of the Jesuits
Ian Xel Lungold: The Mayan Calendar Comes North pt 1 & pt 2

C.T. Iserbyt: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America & Bill Maher and Christopher Hitchens on Charlie Rose